Planning for Space

"Planning techniques are used for the automation of the planning process in the context of multi-asset human-robotic missions as prepared by the National Space Agencies"

The ‘Planning for Space’ use case targets the automation of the planning process in the context of multi-asset human-robotic missions as prepared by the National Space Agencies, the European Commission and the European Space Agency. Typical examples are the ExoMars mission for Mars exploration, the Mars Sample Return mission as well as the HERACLES mission for moon exploration and exploitation.

In this context, the ground operators prepare Activity Plans to be executed by the robotic system on the planet as a logical and temporal composition of robotic Activities. In addition, the system shall merge Activity Plans proposed by different remote operators to a final consolidated Activity Plan to be uploaded for execution. The automatisation of this process using the AIPlan4EU framework is expected to decrease the duration of the on-ground planning phase and create more efficient plans in terms of energy consumptions and science return.