Posted on August 18, 2021 in Meet the partners

Meet the partner: FBK

Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) is a Research Institute in Italy focused on AI, that acts as a scientific and technological hub as its premises and platforms host a lively ecosystem of co-located ventures, spin-offs, projects and training opportunities.  FBK has 11 centers ​​dedicated to technology and innovation, to the humanities and social sciences, and directs its research to the experimentation of an Artificial Intelligence that collaborates with people and does not replace them.

For the scope of the AIPlan4EU project, FBK brings TAMER.

  • TAMER is an application-oriented planner for the ANML (read as “animal”) planning specification language.
  • The objective of TAMER is to provide functionalities to model, solve and analyze temporal planning problems in practice.

TAMER can be used in two ways. As a standalone, command-line planner to develop, debug and solve planning problems and as a library that can be embedded in applications offering planning functionalities. We offer C/C++, Java and Python bindings to exploit TAMER in client applications.

In the AIPlan4EU project, FBK will define a unified library that will simplify the access to a wide variety of planning technologies including TAMER. Planning problems will be defined in a planner-agnostic way allowing for automated selection and combination of diverse planning systems and technologies. We believe this will significantly simplify the use of automated planning technology as a field enabling new users and practitioners to reap the benefits of this technology.



Role in the project: FBK is one of the project’s research partners and assumes the role of coordination in this project. It is also responsible for the design and development of the Unified Planning Framework (UPF). For this, it counts with the participation of Paolo Traverso (Project Coordinator)  and Andrea Micheli (Technical Manager).


To know more about Fondazione Bruno Kessler , please visit their website: