Today’s rapidly changing marketplaces require companies to be flexible and dynamic. One solution that offers great value is the use of Artificial Intelligence. However, successfully implementing such solutions requires planning and preparation, a coherent business strategy, strong data management processes, and a strong understanding of the capacity and needs of the technology.
Europe’s AI-on-demand platform facilitates this process by fostering the knowledge transfer from European research to business.
The ICT-49 call by the European Union is connected to this platform and the ICT-49 projects contribute to it with AI-related knowledge, algorithms, tools, access to related infrastructures, data resources and expert support.
Besides AIPlan4EU there are five more ICT49 projects:

AI4Copernicus bridges Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the Earth Observation (EO) world by making the AI-on-demand platform, the digital environment of choice for users of Copernicus data, for researchers and innovators.

BonsAPPs delivers end-to-end, containerized, ready-to-integrate and re-usable solutions and covers experimentation, benchmarking, deployment, and secure licensing of AI solutions at the Deep Edge, such as the AI embedded in all our everyday smart devices.

DIH4AI is focused on building and networking DIH-driven AI-on-demand regional platforms, linked to the pan-European AI4EU toolbox and experimental facility and will create a critical mass of AI services and seamless operation.

I-nergy supports AI-on-Demand in the energy sector by capitalising on state-of-the-art AI, IoT, semantics, federated learning, analytics tools, which leverage on edgelevel AI-based cross-sector multi-stakeholder sovereignty and regulatory preserving interoperable data handling. I-nergy also works on evolving, upscaling and demonstrating innovative AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS) Energy Analytics Applications and digital twins services.

The concept of the StairwAI project is to act as a Stairway to AI for SMEs by using AI to ease the engagement of low-tech SMEs to the AI on demand platform (ai4europe.eu) and matching SMEs to AI assets, experts, tools and hardware.