Posted on January 10, 2023 in Open Call

Open Call #2 for Innovators Webinar – Track A

Are you a planning expert? AIPlan4EU has up to 60K to offer to you! Know more.

Open Call #2 for Innovators is ongoing and in this webinar, we will tell you all about how you can apply.
πŸ“Œ This will be #1 of 2 webinars focused on the open call.

πŸ‘€ Focus: Track A of the open call >> Innovators, AI planning technology, software development.
πŸ—“ When: 18 January 2023 – 14h30 CET


During this info session, we will:
  • understand what the project is about;
  • know what we are offering in this Open Call and if you are a good fit;
  • have a quick guide through all the Open Call application guidelines and procedures, and
  • have some time to clarify all your questions.

There will also be of time for Q&A.


The speakers:



  • 14:30 – 14:35 – Welcome
  • 14:35 – 14:55 – What is AIPlan4EU project all about? Overview of the open call for innovators – by Andrea Micheli (FBK, Project Coordinator).
  • 14:55 – 15:15 – Open Call #1 for Innovators – Track A overview
  • 15:35 – 15:55 – Open call #2 for Innovators – how to apply? – by Luisa GonΓ§alves (F6S, Project Manager)
  • 15:55 – 16:00 – Q&A Session & closing session



Open Call #2 for innovators

Where to apply to the open call?
Deadline: 31 January 2023 at 17h CET (Brussels Time).